Timeline |
The following events occurred in the 1970s:
- Unknown dates[note 1] –
- c. 1972 – Ilsa Lindstrom discovers her husband Marty's double life and daughter Annie. Marty leaves Twin Peaks and moves in with Vivian Smith in Yakima, even though Ilsa refuses to grant a divorce.[1]
- c. 1978 – On her deathbed, Ilsa reveals Marty's affair to her daughter Norma, who seeks out and takes a protective interest in her half-sister.[1]
- c. 1979 –
- Marty passes away the year after Ilsa, after finally agreeing to marry Vivian.[1]
- Six weeks later, Vivian marries Yakima beer distributor Roland Blackburn, who adopts Annie. Annie is subsequently sent to a Catholic boarding school in Kennewick. In the first year, Norma is her only visitor.[1]
- ↑ Adjusted back six years from The Final Dossier to match Annie's stated age and dialogue in Twin Peaks