Twin Peaks Wiki

Buenos Aires was a city in Argentina.


On February 16, 1989, Phillip Jeffries was at the Palm Deluxe, a hotel in Buenos Aires. During his visit, he disappeared and reappeared a short time later.[1]

In 2016, after a frustrating telephone call with Gene and Jake, Lorraine sent the message "2" to her contact "ARGENT." Shortly after, a device located in an attic somewhere in Buenos Aires rang and its two red lights flashed twice. After Dale Cooper's doppelganger set off and stopped the Yankton Federal Prison's alarms with a phone call, the same device rang and flashed twice and then imploded.[2]

In 2017, a search of Jeffries' hotel room at the Palm Deluxe revealed that the word "JOUDY" had been carved into the wall behind the telephone. The phrase was hidden beneath wallpaper when the room was remodeled in 1997.[3]


Behind the scenes[]

Buenos Aires is the capital city of Argentina.


