Twin Peaks Wiki

The dugpas were a group studied by Windom Earle during his time in Project Blue Book.


The dugpas were a society of "evil sorcerers" who cultivated "evil for the sake of evil." They had access to a place of power to streamline this process, known predominantly as the Black Lodge.[1]

FBI Agent Windom Earle researched the dugpas during Project Blue Book prior to his dismissal from the project. In 1989, during his search for the Black Lodge in Twin Peaks, Washington, a tape of Earle describing the dugpas was found by Major Garland Briggs and shown to FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Harry S. Truman. After viewing the tape, Cooper assigned Bookhouse Boy Cappy to learn more about the dugpas.[1]

While pontificating to Leo Johnson, Earle likened the dugpas to Kali worshippers of India.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

According to Russian author Helena P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, the dugpas were Tibetan Buddhist sect dedicated to cultivating the left-hand path, referring to the Drukpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.[2]


