"On the Couch" is a featurette directed by Charles de Lauzirika, exclusive to the Blu-ray release Twin Peaks: From Z to A.
Featured is an interview with Harry Goaz and Kimmy Robertson, reflecting on their experience with the revival of Twin Peaks.
"On the Couch" is a featurette directed by Charles de Lauzirika, exclusive to the Blu-ray release Twin Peaks: From Z to A.
Featured is an interview with Harry Goaz and Kimmy Robertson, reflecting on their experience with the revival of Twin Peaks.
Twin Peaks home video releases | |
The First Season | |
The Second Season |
Fire Walk with Me (Criterion) | |
Definitive Gold Box Edition | |
The Entire Mystery | |
A Limited Event Series |
The Television Collection | TBA |
From Z to A |
Others |