Twin Peaks Wiki

Seattle was a major city in the state of Washington.


In 1890, James and Unguin Packard left Boston with the intention of moving to Seattle. However, they instead settled in the nearby town Twin Peaks.[1]

Oscar Wilde embarked on a steamer trip from San Francisco to Seattle in 1902.[1] The following year, Chief Joseph was photographed in Seattle by Edward Curtis.[2]

In July 1947, Seattle became tangentially connected to UFO investigations. On July 5, Emil J. Smith piloted a commercial flight from Boise to Seattle, claiming to have witnessed nine silvery discs along the way. On July 14, UFO investigator Dougie Milford purchased a 1947 Buick Roadmaster from Seattle auto dealer Bob J. Hart. On July 31, Kenneth Arnold flew to Seattle to retrieve Emil J. Smith for a meeting in Tacoma with Fred Crisman, Captain Davidson, and Lieutenant Brown.[2]

In February 1989, FBI Special Agent Phillip Jeffries appeared at the Philadelphia FBI offices, claiming to have witnessed a meeting above a convenience store "in Seattle at Judy's."[3]

On February 24, 1989, FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper purchased a Micro-Mac tape recorder at Wally’s Rent-to-Own in Seattle.[4]

Vivian Smythe and Ernie Niles settled in Seattle, where they invested in an ultimately unsuccessful restaurant.[5] By March 1989, Vivian became a prominent food critic in the area, writing under the name M.T. Wentz.[6]

In early March 1989, Josie Packard absconded to Seattle after shooting Dale Cooper,[7] leaving a note for Pete Martell claiming she had emergency business obligations.[8] She returned to Twin Peaks days later with a plethora of shopping bags.[9] Days later, Jonathan Kumagai was sent by Thomas Eckhardt to bring Josie to Hong Kong. After their arrival in Seattle, Josie shot Jonathan dead.[7]

In 2016, Harry S. Truman underwent cancer treatment at a Seattle hospital.[5]



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