"Twin Peaks: The Phenomenon" is a three-part short documentary briefly chronicling the history of Twin Peaks. Produced and released on YouTube as part of the build-up to the premiere of the 2017 series, it was released on home video as part of Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series and Twin Peaks: From Z to A.
Part 1: Creation[]
The conception, production, and initial success of the original series are detailed.
Part 2: Life After Death[]
The decline, cancellation, and legacy of the original series are detailed.
Part 3: Renaissance[]
Fan creations and the revival series are focused upon.
- Gary Levine
- Jordan Hoffman
- John Thorne
- Damon Lindelof
- David Hollander
- David Lynch
- Kyle MacLachlan
- Lesli Linka Glatter
- Pieter Dom
- Mädchen Amick
- Dana Ashbrook
- Rob Lindley
- Deanne Lindley
- Schaffer the Darklord
- Alex Cameron
- Annie Hart
- Neko Case
- Dessa Poljak (from Silencio)
- Kirk Salopek (from Silencio)
- David Jamison (from Silencio)
- Francine 'The Lucid Dream'
- Brian Linss
- Glenn Allen
- Pam Allen
- Kimmy Robertson
- Harry Goaz
- Chrysta Bell
- Jim Belushi
- Robert Knepper